I always use this because it comes with quite a large boost in performance in general. Try launching it from the commandline: open a terminal (Applications->Accessories->Terminal) and type: chromium-browser. or that is when the console doesnt get spammed with errors about missing textures, wrong vertex files or sprite shaders. If it launches, then you have a problem in your shortcut (very unlikely). You can edit it from System->Preferences->Main menu. The original version of the game doenst have this (or it might just not throw the errors in the console). Lets say i get around 250fps using the chromium 64 bit version when everything is running smoothly. I join my favourite server and the console gets spammed with all these errors and i get less than 80fps. i restart my game and the errors are gone and fps is back to normal. The server changes maps and the errors come back and i need to restart my game again.
This didnt use to be an issue in the past but it happens every time now. If i dont use the chromium 64 at all, the performance in general is alot worse, barely above 150 on avg (yes ik its still alot, but not compared to what it can be).